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Nitecore NPS400 محطة طاقة خارجية محمولة بقدرة 117000 مللي أمبير في الساعة

رقم المنتج: NPS400

الرمز الشريطي: 6952506405794

  • محطة طاقة وشحن محمولة
  • يمكنه شحن أو تشغيل أي جهاز أو جهاز كهربائي بجهد 100-240 فولت
  • يمكن استخدامها في الهواء الطلق
  • قادر على شحن العديد من الأجهزة والتطبيقات الإلكترونية
  • يحول طاقة البطارية الداخلية إلى طاقة Pure Sine Wave
  • تضمن قوة Pure Sine Wave تشغيل الأجهزة بكامل إمكاناتها ومواصفاتها
  • أربعة منافذ USB يمكن استخدامها في وقت واحد
  • مقبض قوي لسهولة الحمل والنقل
  • شاشة عرض كبيرة لمراقبة الشحن والمعلومات الحالية والتفريغ
  • سهل الاستخدام - بدون واجهة معقدة
  • شحن سريع بشكل لا يصدق
نفد هذا المنتج من المخازن
نظرة عامة

The Nitecore NPS400 is an incredibly efficient portable power station that can be used to power or recharge numerous devices and electronics. Have you ever gotten to a campsite or work site that didn't have enough power or plugs for the things you need? The engineers at Nitecore have too, and their new line of power stations are here to help! The NPS400 has a li-ion battery core with a high 117000mAh capacity for superior energy storage. Compatible with a wide range of 300W/220V electrical appliances and devices that are used on campsites, work sites, garages, motor homes, tail-gating and more. It is equipped with a DC and cigarette lighter port as well as an AC socket. The four USB ports (ranging from QC to type C) allow for several devices to be charged simultaneously if needed. The high quality display screen lets you monitor the voltage, charge and discharge of all devices in real time for your convenience.
The NPS400 uses Pure Sine Wave power technology to keep your electronics performing efficiently. Pure Sine Wave is required by many appliances and equipment due to its reliable outputs. You can be sure that whatever you need powered will perform to its full specifications with this station. Designed to be used inside or out, its construction is sleek but strong and can withstand extreme temperatures. The sturdy housing prevents damage to the internal components if accidentally banged or bumped. Built to be a portable power solution, the handle is rugged and allows for easy but secure carrying. Power up and recharge your favorite devices on your next trip or adventure with the NPS400 and see where it takes you!
